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Cheeseburger Cupcakes

LocationVienna, Austria
LinksMy Flickr Set - The original cupcakes by KateDW

Some time ago I've discovered those amazing cupcakes on Flickr. When the birthday party of a friend was being planned this was the perfect chance for me to finally try it myself

Step 1 - Hamburger Patties

Recipe for 12 chocolate cupcakes:

Butter for the muffin pan

60-80g ground dark chocolate
200g flour
100g sugar
1 tablespoon Vanilla sugar
2 tablespoons cacao powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon natron
a pinch of salt

3 tablespoons butter
2 eggs
150ml milk
75g chocolate chips

Grease the muffin pan well with butter. Then put the pan into the deep freezer.
Yes it really helps to get the cupcakes out of the pan easier.

Mix the flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, cacao, baking powder, natron, a pinch of salt and ground dark chocolate together.

Melt the butter (about 1min in the microwave) and mix it with milk and the eggs.

Add the butter-egg-milk mixture to the flour mixture. Stir only so long that all ingredients are wet (don't stir too long).

Add the chocolate chips.

Distribute the mixture equally in the muffin pan.

Bake in the oven at 180�C for about 20 to 25 minutes.

Let them cool down a bit, then cut out a nice hamburger patty out of each cupcake and eat the rest ;-)

Step 2 - Buns

Recipe for 12 buttermilk cupcakes:

Butter for the muffin pan

280g flour
1 tablespoon Vanilla sugar
2 tablespoons cacao powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon natron
a pinch of salt

2 eggs
75g sugar
75ml oil
300g buttermilk

Grease the muffin pan well with butter. Then put the pan into the deep freezer.

Mix the flour, vanilla sugar, baking powder, natron, a pinch of salt together.

Mix the eggs, sugar, oil and buttermilk and stir well.

Add the buttermilk mixture to the flour mixture. Stir only so long that all ingredients are wet (don't stir too long).

Distribute the mixture equally in the muffin pan.

Bake in the oven at 180�C for about 25 minutes.

Step 3 - Tomatoes and Cucumbers

Mix water with some sugar and food colouring (red for tomatoes and green for cucumbers).

Cut up one banana for the tomatoes and a second one for the cucumbers and leave them in the coloured water for a while, stirring from time to time.

Step 4 - Assembly

Carefully cut the buns in two halves.

For the cheese melt some white chocolate icing, mix it with some yellow food colouring and distribute it on the lower halves of the buns. Make sure that some cheese melts over the edge of the bun.

Add the hamburger patties while the cheese is still liquid. This helps in holding the cheeseburger together better.

Add the tomato and cucumber bananas on top of the hamburger patties.

Add some mustard (white chocolate icing + yellow food colouring).

Add some ketchup (white chocolate icing + red food colouring).

And finally add the top half of the bun, make the bun wet with some orange juice and put sesame on top to complete the Cheeseburger Cupcakes.

The finished Cheeseburger Cupcakes

Ready to confuse your friends and family with a deliciously confusing dessert :-)

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